Sunday, March 9, 2008

Little Brother Tries Taxidermy

Sally carefully opened the box and jumped back as...

...the stub end of a bloody thumb gave a little wiggle.


Laughing wildly, the boy shot out of the room clutching the small gold pasteboard box.

"What a PILL!" she muttered, embarrassed at being suckered into another of his pranks. She settled back in the armchair with her copy of Little Women, wishing she had sisters instead of that little stinker.


Sally awoke to Chris racing past, Mama hot on his heels.

Figuring further pursuit useless, Mama stopped. "That BOY!" she huffed.

"What this time, Mama?"

Mama unfurled the fingers of one clenched fist. "I found THIS while emptying his pockets for laundry."

"EEEEWW!" Sally wrinkled her nose. "What IS it?"

"It WAS," Mama explained, "my first spring peeper, BEFORE your brother tried his hand at taxidermy with a cotton ball and my BEST crochet thread!"


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